Sex addiction can feel like an impossible problem to deal with. For addicts, sex becomes a way of managing overwhelming emotion or stress. When the addiction threatens relationships, work, self-respect, and reputation, the addict will try to stop. But, the emotions and stresses remain and the compulsion to return to addictive behavior overcomes his or her resolve. Identifying the roots of the addiction is a big step toward finding a solution to...
The Facts About Internet Addiction
Internet addiction, also called computer or online addiction or Internet addiction disorder (IAD), is becoming recognized for its impact on virtually all areas of life. We all use the Internet to a greater or lesser degree, depending on our work requirements, connection with remote family or friends, or physical limitations that keep us isolated at home. The unlimited options of the Internet can distract you from loneliness, sadness, stress, or...
Sex Addiction Treatment – The First Step Toward Control
You’re not alone – Its estimated that 30 million people in the U.S. alone suffer some form of sexual addiction.You’re not evil – Sexual addiction is a compulsive disorder like alcoholism or drug addiction. Although the cause is complex, researchers believe sexual addiction can result from sexual abuse, distant parents, an imbalance in brain chemicals, or other mental or physical problems, all out of your control. You’re not doomed – There are...
5 Ways to Encourage Your Teen to Spend Less Time Online
Admit it, your teenager is online right now, isn’t he? If he’s awake and not in a class, he’s probably watching television, checking in with friends on Facebook, tweeting how lame it is that you’re looking at him suspiciously, talking to a prospective date, or playing a savage game of World of Warcraft. Or all of the above at once. Today’s teens are called “digital natives,” an ominous title that means they have never lived without the...
Is Your Partner Addicted to Sex? Look for These Signs
Isn’t it wonderful, flattering even, when your partner is interested in sex? Really, really interested in sex. Interested all the time, no matter where you are. Interested in all aspects of sex – the act itself but also pictures and videos, novels and websites and conversations and masturbation and magazines. Interested in watching others enjoying sex, masturbating compulsively, cheating or seeking out prostitutes. Interested to the point you...